Puppies / C-litter 2012
On 15th October 2012 were born one boy and one girl out of fabulous connection in our kennel.
INTCh, CZCh, SKCh, PLCh, HUCh, ClubCh, SK GrandCh, CZGrandCh, CRCh, SK KV-07, HU KV-08, VSV-05-06-07-08, SK VSV-07, res. SBIS, SBIS, NV-06, Bundessieger-07 CASSIOPEA SPIRIT OF MILLENIUM
Puppies – born: 30th November 2012
Kesi is beautiful standart female with ideal height and with sound proporcions. She has nice expression with big ears and long elegant neck. She has very nice forchest and spacious deep chest, correct angulation of both pair of limbs and spacious movement. Kesi is very friendly to people and is playing also with small dogs, she is taking care of her puppies really great. Among her greatest show wins belongs 9 championship tittles and many placements at club´s shows. At czech PH Specialty she got in years 2005-2008 tittle Specialty winner (BB), when for third time in row in 2006-2008 she got also Best of Breed and in 2007 and 2008 also the brightest tittle - Best in Show. At slovakian sighthound club show in 2007 she got Club winner + BOB and month later Specialty winner + BOB where she got also reserve BIS. In Budapest sighthound club show she got tittle Club winner-08 and in strong competition also BOB. Kesi has racing licence, in 2008 she became LC Vicemaster of Moravia and month later LC Master of Silesia where she was also second best sighthound.
DOB: 22. 3. 2004
height: 58 cm
weight 21 kg
teeth: complete bite, scisors
eyes: clear, negative at PRA, HC, RD
liver, kidneys: OK
Plupp is a very sweet, smart, calm and easy-to-have PH, he is not agressive or dominant at all, he can deal with all dogs and animals. He is super elegant, yet substanced, medium sized, dark tan, very eye-catchy and with noble high head carriage both on the move and standing, has great movements and extremely
beautiful head and expression. Plupp is very successfull show male. His best win is Best of Breed on Cruft´s 2008. He has 5 championships, European
winner-06 tittle and many placements at club´s shows. In
years 2005 and 2006 he got Best in Show at Specialty
show in England, in 2006 Best in Show at finnish Specialty
Farkkushow and in 2007 Best in Show at swedish sighthound
specialty. In 2003 he got Puppy BIS at Swedish sighthound specialty. He became Top Pharaoh hound of 2003 in USA and Top Pharaoh hound of 2005 in England.
Plupp has Lure coursing licence.
He is proved stud male, his offspring is very successful at
DOB: 8.1.2003
height: 63,5 cm
weight: 28 kg
teeth: complete bite, scisors
eyes: clear, negative at PRA, HC, RD
Lileo´s Orpheus of Serafin |
AmCh Beltara´s Pantooset Oberon |
AmCh Beltara´s Khansun |
Beltara´s Xara |
AmCh Lileo´s Put´n On the Ritz |
Phaererin´s The Magician SC |
Lileo´s Neferka Gallant Sarah |
INTCh, NordW, WW-98-00,01 Antefa´s Kahira |
Antefa´s Hapi |
Merymut Adonis |
Antefa´s Farah Dibah |
Antefa´s Farah Dibah |
Antefa´s Bchepherure |
Antefa´s Crio-Sphynx |
INTCh, CZCh, SKCh, HUCh, PLCh, ClubCh, SK GrandCh, SpecialtyW-05-06-07-08, SK SpecialtyW-07, SK ClubW-07, HU ClubW-08, Bundessieger-07, CZW-06, res. SBIS, SBIS CASSIOPEA SPIRIT OF MILLENIUM |
LC Ch Amon Bohemia Genao |
INTCh, FCh, LCh Shema´s Mia Mystic Talisman |
CH Shema´s Mia Mystic Warrior |
CH Shema´s Mia Mystic Jubillee |
BOB, CACIB Qaarsha Qaara Ypsylon |
CH Ceryas Kan Eben Dag |
CH Vedhauge Ida |
IntCh, CZCh, SKCh, HUCh, DECh, Ach, ClubCh, KV, NV Bir Sahra Stalagmit |
CZJCh Deheb-Tefnut of the Netherlands |
CH Antefa´s Jabbah-Kaa |
CH Shamu-Amenjura of the Netherlands |
NV, BOB B´Affertari Eben Dag |
CH Chasséllis Ishtar |
CH Nawa du Wicks Team |
C - vrh / litter el Negma * 15.10.2012
12-12-05 Mimi
12-12-05 Mimi
12-12-05 Mimi
12-12-05 Ascot
12-12-05 Ascot
12-12-01 Mimi
12-11-27 Ascot
12-11-26 Mimi
12-11-25 owners of Ascot visiting us
12-11-25 Mimi
12-11-22 Mimi
12-11-17 aunt Chilli attacked
12-11-17 aunt Chilli attacked
12-11-17 aunt Chilli attacked